Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Solar Power in India to increase from 5 MW to 1000 MW by 2013

India is prepared to generate 1,000 Megawatts (MW) of solar power by 2013, in the first phase of the new solar power projects under Jawaharlal Nehru  National Solar Mission. This programme will place India amongst the solar power harnessing nations,  like Germany, Spain and Japan.

The project is being financed by Indian Renewable Energy  Development  Agency,Power  Finance Corp. & Rural Electrification Corp.

1300 MW  solar power production is planned, out of  which 500 MW will be photovoltaic energy, 500 MW  will  be solar thermal, 100 MW individual and 200 MW will be off-grid.

Under this project, 50 percent of the power  will be generated through solar photovoltaic cells and the other half will by solar thermal power. Because of the amalgamation of technologies the overall cost of the generated electricity would be less in the future.  This  will reduce the rate if both are amalgamated and when you find out after amalgamation,  the price will come just you see about  four to five rupees.

India  currently  produces less than 5 MW  of solar power every year.

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