Sunday, August 16, 2009

Government's Rural & Solar Programmes

National Solar Mission : To increase the use of solar energy and to make it affordable, Government of India will launch the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission on 14th November 2009।

Rural Development: The special programmes for the development of rural and urban areas will be accelerated. The Government was successful to some extent in improving the infrastructure in rural areas through Bharat Nirman. But there is still a wide disparity between the development of rural and urban areas. To this end, the allocations under Bharat Nirman have been increased substantially in 2009. The Governement will set more ambitious targets for schemes for house construction and telecommunications in rural areas.

Rural Admnistrative Machinery: Government will make special efforts to strengthen the administrative machinery for our rural programmes. Those who live in villages and semi-urban areas should get services similar to the residents of urban areas. Communication and Information Technology can go a long way in achieving this objective.

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