Monday, July 6, 2009

Women's Empowerment- Rashtriya Mahila Kosh

Corpus of Rashriya Mahila Kosh increased to Rs 500 cr

The women's Self Help Groups movement is bringing about a profound transformation in rural areas and today over 22 lakh such groups are linked with banks. Making employment generation as the stepping stone towards women's empowerment, the Government increased the 'Rashtriya Mahila Kosh' i.e the corpus of the women's Self Help Groups to Rs 500 crore from the existing Rs 100 crore, in the budget for the year 2009-2010.
The Government proposes to enroll at least 50 per cent of all rural women in the country as members of SHGs over the next five years and link these SHGs to various banks.
Contact details:

The Executive Director, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh , 1, Abul Fazal Road, Bengali Market,
New Delhi-110 001 Telephone Number:- 011-23354619/23354620/23354628
Fax:- 011-23354621 E-mail:" Website :

Loaning Operations of Rashtriya Mahila Kosh

The Rashtriya Mahila Kosh is engaged in providing loans to eligible organisations for on lending to poor women. The lending operation ecompasses following stages:-

1. Formulation of schemes and their approval by Governing Board,
2. Spreading of awareness about RMK’s policies and schemes amongst NGOs through IEC Activities in a planned manner.
3. Selection of the scheme by potential NGO partner
4. Forwarding of loan application in prescribed form alongwith all requisite, information and document.
5. The NGOs/Borrowing organisations (BO) submit the loan proposal in the prescribed format designed by RMK with other documents as per enclosures.
6. Once it received by RMK, the dispatch clerk enters it in Letter Reciving register, stamp & number it. It is put up to Executive Director who marks it to concerned Deputy Director who deals with the concerned State. Then Dy. Director marks it to the concerned dealing assistant.
7. The dealing assistant enters it in Loan Receipt/Sanction/Rejection Register.
8. Scrutiny of loan applications - During the scrutiny of the loan application, the RMK satisfies itself about the following matters:-
a. Whether the organization fulfills eligibility criteria as prescribed,
b. Whether organization fulfills eligibility norms as prescribed,
c. Whether all the requisite documents have been received,
d. Whether all the necessary information/clarification as required for appropriate decision have been received,
e. If there is anything wanting in regard to points as brought out above, the NGO is requested to furnish the same.
9. However, on receipt of all documents, information and clarifications decsion is taken either to decline the proposal or to refer it for pre-sanction study by the RMK officials or nominated institutional monitor.
10.The pre-sanction monitoring of the loan proposal can either be conducted by a RMK official or nominated institutinoal monitor (at present Agricultural Finance Corp. Ltd.). The monitor visits the organisation and check all the books and registers such as Cash Book, General Ledger, Vouchers, SHG Profiles, SHG Savings Register, SHG Loan Register of the borrowing organisation. He also visits the Self-help Groups promoted by the organisation, interact with SHG members, verify all the records maintained at SHG level, assess the demand of loan of SHGs. After Pre-Sanction study has been received in which the monitor has recommended the amount of loan to be sanctioned, an appraisal note is prepared for placing the same before in-house/loan committee with the recommendation to sanction the amount of loan by the concerned Deputy Director considered deem fit taking into account earlier track record, if any, of the applicant and also any other information in his/her possession about its operations or otherwise.
11. The In-house/loan committee after considering all the relevant facts of the case as contained in the appraisal note sanctions or defers or declines it. The concerned applicant is conveyed the decision of the in-house/loan committee.
12. On sanction of the loan by the in-house/loan committee RMK conveys information about loan sanctioned vide sanction letter which contains terms & conditions of the sanction, details of the documents to be executed in Delhi by the authorized representative of the applicant and a guarantor to be duly witnessed by two persons and other undertakings/ resolutions to be submitted by it before release of first installment.
13.After receipt of necessary documents like disbursement certificate, utilization certificate, list of borrowers part I & II, quarterly progress reports, demand pronote, pre-receipt, application for 2nd & subsequent drawals & appendix thereto, the post-sanction monitoring study is conduted by the monitor to verify the end use of the funds, adherence to the terms & conditions of the sanction letter and quality of utilization of funds. The monitor visits the organisation, verify the related documents, entries in book registers, bank accounts, disbursement registers and adherence to the terms & conditions of the sanction letter and quality of utilisation of funds etc. The monitor also visits the groups benefited out of the Ist installment of loan, verify the assets created out of RMK loan. Depending upon the recommendations of the monitor, RMK either releases the IInd installment of loan or recalls the loan.

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