Saturday, April 24, 2010

BRIC Summit Resolution on Energy April 15, 2010


19. We recognize that energy is an essential resource for improving the standard of living of our peoples and that access to energy is of paramount importance to economic growth with equity and social inclusion. We will aim to develop cleaner, more affordable and sustainable energy systems, to promote access to energy and energy efficient technologies and practices in all sectors. We will aim to diversify our energy mix by increasing, where appropriate, the contribution of renewable energy sources, and will encourage the cleaner, more efficient use of fossil fuels and other fuels. In this regard, we reiterate our support to the international cooperation in the field of energy efficiency.

20. We recognize the potential of new, emerging, and environmentally friendly technologies for diversifying energy mix and the creation of jobs. In this regard we will encourage, as appropriate, the sustainable development, production and use of biofuels.  In accordance with national priorities, we will work together to facilitate the use of renewable energy, through international cooperation and the sharing of experiences on renewable energy, including biofuels technologies and policies.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Additional wind power in two years in India

India will add about 9000 MW of wind power generation capacity. The country today has an installed capacity of 4,907 MW. Power generated from wind costs about Rs 3.56 per unit.

9,000 MW to be added by PVT. Sector in next two years

The  government announced that  the private sector will generate 9000 MW in the next two years. Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde informed Rajya Sabha that the contribution of private sector in additional generation has gone up from 4 per cent to 18 per cent since 1999.  Seven more ultra mega power projects  will come up besides the five originally planned.  Two of these projects have already begun generation. The Govt. aims at synchronising the power grids of South India from North Indian grids in 18 months. Members demanded increase in electricity generation to meet the huge shortfall of 16,000 MW.